
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How did I get here and what do I do now?

It is 10:00 a.m. on a Wed. morning.  There is a very brisk wind blowing,  we are all wearing sweats, socks, jackets and drinking hot tea.  I have nothing to do at the moment.  What was that...nothing?  OK,  well something, but not what I HAVE done for the past 10 yrs.  HELPED SOMEONE WITH SCHOOL!!!  That's right..all my children are able to work on their own, read on their own, watch the math video on their own,  which leaves me with.....TIME ON MY HANDS!   And I do not do well with time on my hands.

SOOO,  you ask,  what am I doing with this time...?  Dreaming....about  this....


(It's in France...just so you know..)

AND this...


and even this,   with a little renovation...cause we are SOOO good at getting right on those projects..



I also can't get enough of this show...

House Hunters International

When you can't visit all the nations of the world,  take a trip via the internet and see where they live and where they want to live.  My mom and sister and I Love this show.  If you have 20 min.,  go to HGTV to the full episodes and take your pick of country...France,  Spain,  England,  even Morocco.   Fascinating. 

But watch out,  you may become addicted to traveling and even dream of renovating homes,  eating at a pub or side walk cafe,  buying bread at a store that ONLY sells bread, and walking beaches,  mountains, and vast terrains.  It's got to be better than asking my husband to spend 1000,s of dollars on plane tickets,  new shoes,  hotels and food.  HMMMM,  is it better?  Is it even a good way to spend my new found time?  Let's just call it geography and count it for school. 

thanks for reading,


1 comment:

  1. Love it, love it, love it! Can't get enough of it! Except I still like that little ready-to-move-into cottage that I sent you!


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