Snow! and I mean real snow that sticks to the ground and makes snowballs and snow forts snow. And I don't want to step a foot in it. I think I feel guilty, not sure. The kids seem to be having fun without me. The chickens are doing well. (7 eggs yesterday!!) I am not eating myself silly. So, should I go out?
Ok, I WILL. I will find out what all the fuss is about. I will spend time layering, pulling, pushing, and scraping and embrace the brisk air, the full sunshine, the crispy white manna from heaven. (We've been reading in Exodus as a family.) I will let you know how it goes.
It was very nice out there in the snow. I think that if I were a child I would love to spend the day out in it. But...when all 4 children are in the snow, and I have peace and quiet within, well.....
Snow Days. I love them.
thanks for reading,