
Friday, September 30, 2011


being without my trusty, faithful and tiny computer has thrown this blogger for a loop.   I actually write down ideas for blog posts and then can't seem to set myself down to this machine to post.  Lazy,  creature of habit,  ornery...not sure what word best fits...probably ALL.

So here is one post I wrote down.  HABITS.  As you know,  I have spent the last few weeks year reading The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges.  Wonderful book.  This past week I was reading about the life lived in the character of Christ.  Quoting from the book..

"In  other words,  the practice of putting off sinful attitudes and actions and putting on Christlike character involves a constant series of choices.  We choose in every situation which direction we will go.  It is through these choices that we develop Chistlike habits of living.  Habits are developed by repetition, and it is in the arena of moral choices that we develop spiritual habit of patterns. "

I loved this.  I am really a creature of habit...get up by 6 a.m.,  get myfake coffee going,  pick up a little until it is ready,  read Bible, drink said coffee,  etc.   I could spend my whole doing the same things..for the most part.  It make me feel calm to have smoothness.  But....I have  a husband and 4 delightful children, one of whom loves to wake up a little earlier than the others and have her fake coffee hot cocoa and read her Bible.   Precious.   But habits make sense to me.  The DEVELOPING of habits is another story...another post...another life.   But at least I understand and can strive for this.

Another reason I loved this is because of how well it paradies with Charlotte Mason's writings of habits.  Here are her own words.

" 'Habit is ten natures.' If that be true, strong as nature is, habit is not only as strong, but tenfold as strong. Here, then, have we a stronger than he, able to overcome this strong man armed."

" 'Begin it, and the thing will be completed!' is infallibly true of every mental and moral habitude: completed, not on the lines you foresee and intend, but on the lines appropriate and necessary to that particular habitude. "

"We think, as we are accustomed to think; ideas come and go and carry on a ceaseless traffic in the rut––let us call it––you have made for them in the very nerve substance of the brain. You do not deliberately intend to think these thoughts; you may, indeed, object strongly to the line they are taking (two 'trains' of thought going on at one and the same time!), and objecting, you may be able to barricade the way, to put up 'No Road' in big letters, and to compel the busy populace of the brain-world to take another route. But who is able
vol 1 pg 109

for these things? Not the child, immature of will, feeble in moral power, unused to the weapons of the spiritual warfare. He depends upon his parents; it rests with them to initiate the thoughts he shall think, the desires he shall cherish, the feelings he shall allow. Only to initiate; no more is permitted to them; but from this initiation will result the habits of thought and feeling which govern the man––his character, that is to say. But is not this assuming too much, seeing that, to sum up roughly all we understand by heredity, a child is born with his future in his hands? The child is born, doubtless, with the tendencies which should shape his future; but every tendency has its branch roads, its good or evil outcome; and to put the child on the right track for the fulfilment of the possibilities inherent in him, is the vocation of the parent."

"This relation of habit to human life––as the rails on which it runs to a locomotive––is perhaps the most suggestive and helpful to the educator; for just as it is on the whole easier for the locomotive to pursue its way on the rails than to take a disastrous run off them, so it is easier for the child to follow lines of habit carefully laid down than to run off these lines at his peril. It follows that this business of laying down lines towards the unexplored country of the child's future is a very serious and responsible one for the parent. It rests with him to consider well the tracks over which the child should travel with profit and pleasure; and, along these tracks, to lay down lines so invitingly smooth and easy that the little traveller is going upon them at full speed without stopping to consider whether or no he chooses to go that way."

There is so much more she wrote oh habits and other things.  She it very talkative on this subject for good reason.  Ms. Mason saw how habits helped a child in all of life,  spiritually,  physically, mentally.  Spiritually by having the habit of going to Christ for all things,  prayer and the reading of scripture,  and all this to empower them to live godly lives, which influence every part of their being.  Physically she observed herself the great advantages that those who practiced good habits of hygiene, exercise, and healthy eating had.  They had much better  overall health which also relates to mental health.  And mentally aquiring those habits would serve to make studying less exhausting and to prepare the mind for receiving all the goodness and rejecting the wrong. 

If you have never read Ms. Mason's series on Home Education,  I strongly recommend you give her a try.  Here is a link to her books online and here they are in modern language.  All these quotes came from book one titled Home Education .   

So I am back with a VERY LONG post,  no pics,  and links to only books.  What do you expect from a book lover? 

thanks for reading,


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Computer Post and other things

I have been a bit posting challenged lately.  I think I will use the excuse that 1.  My arm is still healing, and 2.  My little netbook that I KNOW how to download and post pics from had  a little water spilled on the key board and we are waiting for a new one to come in from HONG KONG!  Is there not anyone is the US who makes key boards for netbooks??????  Let's just say I am VERY frustrated with the state of things...economy,  politics, health,  chicken coops.

What was that?   Yes,  we need to build a new chicken coop and soon.  The one we built last year was intended to hold 6-8 chickens at the most, but we have 11 poor fluffers who fight about roosting rights every night.  I have been looking at building one out of wood floor pallets.  Have you scene the plethora of projects out there using wood pallets?  It makes the idea part of my brain go crazy.  Here are a couple of pics from the web...

How cute is this?  My girls would absolutely love it. 

This is so Laura Ingalls Wilder...I used to want to live that way.  Until the heat began melting and burning everything in site...then I loved my air conditioner and ice maker. But,  I could still have symbols of my unrealistic dreams hanging around. 

 The shed is actually not bad looking.  It gives me ideas for a new chicken coop.  I actually dreamed last night we used pallet wood for wood flooring.  My brain is very full with projects right now...and my husband is not on speaking terms with me.  He says if I will stay quiet,  he'll let me keep cleaning, cooking, and taking care of kids.  HMMMM!  Delimas!!

SOOO,   I guess I need to get me to a Lowes and learn how to use these power tools we have in the shed, which, by the way honey,  needs to be worked on.  Just throwing that in there. 

I have MANY thoughts floating around in my head today.  If I get a chance I will share,  or not as I deem fit for our relationship.

thanks for reading,


Monday, September 12, 2011

Gotta Love Fall Soup Days


We have not had the air conditioner on for ONE WHOLE WEEK!  Last night we did have to turn it on but it only came on for a short time and nada since then.  After having to use it constantly because of this past summer heat,  it was such a joy and brought hopeful thoughts of cool fall days.  Of course, I live in Arkansas which means we could have summer heat all the way to Thanksgiving!!  Lord help me!

So in honor of the cool days past, and the hope of cool days to come,  here is the menu for the week.

Mon.    Haley's special chili.  She makes great chili.  She even demonstrated one year for the Homemakers group of 4-H.  Of course we have cornbread and I throw in a small salad. 

Tues.   Baked Potatoes,  my Rachael's favorite meal.  With fixin's of course, like broccoli,  bacon, cheese and butter. 

Wed.   Honey Garlic Chicken with rice and sweet peas from the garden.  Speakin' of which,  it's the pits right now.

Thur.   Tomato Soup with garlic cheese bread and a salad.  We have lots of lettuce at our house right now. 

Fri.  The girls have a tea party at my moms and they will be having Pizza Fondue with homemade bread sticks.  It think after that big lunch we will have sandwiches for dinner with fruit. 

Sat.  Sausage Egg Casserole with homemade cinnamon rolls.  Oh My Goodness!!

Sun.  A good old fashioned Roast with the Fixins (rice with brown gravy,  beans, rolls, oh, and maybe a sweet potato casserole from this....

It's difficult to read, but this measured 7 in.   I had begun to think we planted decorative sweet potatoes,  but this just popped up on Sat.  Yeah!!  I love sweet potatoes.  Of course this won't be good for baking, but boiling and eating it in a souffle will  taste great. 

Have a wonderful week of eating and laughing with your family,

thank for reading,


Linky up with  Organized Junkie Menu Monday

Saturday, September 3, 2011


It's been a long summer.  Actually, a long year, but this summer has dragged on and on and on.  Since I don't associate summer with the end of school and the end of summer with the beginning of school (we school year around!)  then the beginning of public school means nothing to me.  Well, it means we don't have to tell the neighbor children that the kids can play after lunch, but other than that ....

The end of summer for me is the beginning of cooler weather and getting to be outdoors more.  I have been planning big time, as it seemed the summer was so hot and busy we couldn't do much in the way of "project" (or evil intentions as the rest of my family says!!).  So I have been searching and planning and hoping and waiting and dreaming  (Is this a song?)  Here is some of my searching and planning and know!

There is something in me (probably my experiences growing up!)  that says camping is really good for kids and families.  But we have a tent that is like a cave,  and I feel very CLOSE to everyone in it.  So I am suggesting something like this for a tent.  I am fascinated with the idea of .......

GLAMPING!   Can't you see that all would be well at night with this sort of camping? I wouldn't actually bring my bed and dresser,  ....  but....  I could improvise with camping type stuff and be content to stay more than one night.  I think this is the way to go and I am REALLY hoping to convince SOMEONE that I need this.  The kids have laughed at me but I think I will get in the last laugh.  While they "camp" out in their cave,  I can have this whole tent  by myself....WOO HOO!!

Another project I am looking forward to is remodeling the living room.  We have a HIDEOUS fire place( the people are great, the fire place is awful!) and my friend Kelly said she would help me get going on it. We  I also want to scrape the popcorn off the ceiling,  fix the dry wall in the corner,  paint,  put in a new fan and lights,  replace the rotting door and accouterments, and THEN buy furniture that appeals to my cottagy, country, relaxed self.  Is that too much??  Here are a couple of ideas. 

This is clean,  light,  relaxing,  BUT a little too formal.  I do like the colors, but I think  I want a bit of bold blue somewhere. 

Here is the paneling look I am going for on the fireplace.  I don't want to panel all the way up the wall, just up to the  mantel.  Then Cover the rest of the brick with dry wall and paint.  Not to much, eh?  Oh,  and we have a wood burning stove in the fireplace that must be accepted.  Huh....

Did I tell you that I have severely injured my shoulder and can hardly life a thing?  Or get dressed alone, or shave?  Yes, but I DO so want to do some things around here.  Well,  I can plan can't I?  And whine to you?  And you won't say a word.  I know. 

thanks for reading,
