
Saturday, August 13, 2011


I don't know if it is the heat,  the back to school crazies, the rain (thank you Lord!) or the hormonal imbalances of the kids  me, but I can't seem to write a post to save my life.  I have begun 3, couldn't get them finished,  read them the next day and deleted them thinking they were very, very unimportant.   So this post will be short blurbs, snippets really..about nothing...or something....or a little of both.

1.  I really miss going to the gym 4 days a week.  I liked it that I had free babysitting with the kids swimming and I sweated and ran/walked (or should that be walked/ran?).   I have only been once this week and I am feeling the need.  Is it a sin to work out on Sunday? Can I just say I am going to  "glorify God in (my) body" and " I discipline my body"?

2.  The one day I did go to the gym, we met my husband up at the library to exchange children.  He decided to check out a book but had fines on his card to pay.  When he asked what books had been overdue,  it seemed he had kept Mrs. Tiggy Winkle and The Enchanted School  House out to long.  Guess those were a hard read for him.

3.  I have watched all 6 episodes of Sarah's Cottage in 2 days.  I LOVE that show.  I want to be Sarah!!  NO, WAIT!  Even better,  I want Sarah to come fix my house up for one of her shows.  I would cook for her and go shopping at antique stores, and probably let her have her say in any room in the house,  except my bedroom.  I like that room.

Tour Sarah's Summer House

This is fuzzy but just click on this link and drool along with me. 

4.  My chickens began laying eggs 2 weeks ago.  We found one in the middle of a tree (little hollow space they like to sit in),  4 behind a board on the OUTSIDE of the fence,  and a couple on the ground of the coop.  They are little, brown and oh so tasty.  We went through 15 of them last night for dinner.  My bil was eating also, but still...

5.  Today we got 8 eggs.  I think we are in business.

6.  These little snippets are not snippets.  They are more like really long strings that make no connections.  Welcome!

7.  I have learned so much reading through the One Year Bible.  I HIGHLY encourage you to begin, even now,  not waiting for January.  Just open up the blog and begin.  The songs at the end of the blog are wonderful.  My thoughts from this week....PRAY!   That seems to be the best things to do.

9.  My garden is the PITS!!!  That three sisters thing and organic thing didn't work this year.  My corn has worms,  my melons got rot and animals eating them, and my beans have some kind of brown bug.  My sweet potato vines are everywhere so I PRAY that that is a good sign.  I have gotten 6 tomatoes out of 12 bushes, 3 of which has a worm in them, and my pepper are going nowhere.  Maybe I boasted to much about the spring garden.  SORRY!!!  I am not even posting a pic. 

Ok,  so I posted one of the spring garden just to remind me that I am NOT a total black thumb,  just a summer black thumb.
10.  Finally,  I really didn't think I had 10 things to say.  My last is for YOU!!  If you read this blog,  thank you.  If you don't,  thank you. 


ps.  I KNOW I skipped 8,  I really didn't have 10 things to say and I hoped you didn't catch it, but who am I kidding.  You are very smart,   people!!   Why don't you write ME a number 8 and tell me something you are thinking or doing!!

8.  I did think of an 8.  I have a very good friend, an old neighbor, well, a neighbor of old, who is coming to visit from Quito, Equator next week.  I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. 

11.  Have you all seen Swamp People?  We are addicted. 

1 comment:

  1. Well, I was going to give you a #8, but you did it yourself. But I feel quite certain that no one caught it; I didn't. Oh, but I just remembered, I'm not very observant.


Please share your thoughts, but this is a family blog, so make 'em Rated G! :-) Thanks!